Converting Waste To Resource
  • South African

    Industry Leader

  • Global Certificate

    ISO 9001:2015

  • Eco-Innovative

    Hybrid Cement

  • South African

    Industry Leader

  • Global Certificate

    ISO 9001:2015

  • Eco-Innovative

    Hybrid Cement

Ecostar Backfill

Ecostar Backfill

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EcoStar (refer to MSDS and TDS)

Ecostar (refer to MSDS and TDS)

Ecostar complies with the 32.5 specification when tested as per SANS 50197.
Ecostar achieved strengths of approximately 5 to 7mpa for 28 days by using 8% of binder.

Arc Innovations has a delivery capacity of 8-10 trucks per day. Each truck has a capacity of up to 32 tons meaning that Arc Innovations can deliver around 250 – 320 tons per day.

Conventional backfill binders bleed at a rate between 29 to 36%. Ecostar is currently at 18% to 22%. Based on the 18% to 22% bleed, that is approximately 15% more gained backfill volume underground.

The efficiency % per ton of Backfill placed is currently 80%. Arc Innovations have already started to look at ways to make improvements on the product. The phase 2 product that is currently being finalised will have a 0% bleed that is required to attain tight-fill and reduce the amount of water seeping through the rock or into excavations. This has also been tested and verified at external laboratories.

The higher bleed of backfill placed results in more water accumulating underground. This means that larger volumes of water will require pumping resulting in higher maintenance on pumps. Bleed water running through fissures cause disruption to other underground works thus lowering the production rate of the mine. The movement of the material through fissures also require additional amounts of backfill to be placed. This was one of the crucial aspects that Arc Innovations experienced underground.

Mining Charter Compliance

There are many advantages of purchasing Ecostar in terms of the Mining Charter Compliance as Ecostar is a 100% locally manufactured product and Arc Innovations are a level two B-BBEE compliant company with 65% black ownership.

Flow Rate

The flow rate of Ecostar is approximately 6.9 seconds.

Benefits Of Using Ecostar

  • –  Strengths of 5 to 7mpa achieved for 28 days using 8% binder.

  • –  Product complies with 32.5 specification when tested as per SANS 50197.

  • –  Efficiency % per ton of backfill placed is currently 80%.

  • –  A 100% efficiency of backfill placed can be achieved in the phase 2 of the product.

  • –  Currently 15% more gained backfill volume underground compared to conventional

    backfill binders.

  • –  Ecostar is a 100% locally manufactured product.

  • –  The flow rate is approximately 6.9 seconds.

5 Ecostar TDS


Ecostar is a propriety blended cementitious material designed to be blended with mine tailings to achieve stable backfill.


Typical Uses :

Ecostar is a typically used in backfill operations to achieve a stable backfill product in a weep or non-weep system.

Further benefits are:

  • Ability to set and strengthen in low waterflow.
  • Low
  • Good flowability and pumpability for long
  • Low pump
  • Low carbon
  • Increase production achievable with the same labour force and equipment.
Special Features :

Ecostar increases fluidity and lubrication in underground pipeline systems.



Specific Gravity





Storage :

Keep in bulk silos or cool containers off the ground.

Shelf Life :

6 months if correctly stored.

Technical Advice

The technical department is available to assist with advice on the correct application of the Ecostar.

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